Comments for Repeller Wed, 09 Sep 2020 01:17:21 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Trust Me, Try It: I’m Recommending Something Called “The Killer”? by Amelia Fri, 04 Sep 2020 15:38:17 +0000 In reply to Amalie MacGowan.

Exactly. I’ve had a similar issue with UTIs. The worst case was when different antibiotics kept not working and they barely tried to figure out which one I should use until I had a full on KIDNEY INFECTION. So I 100% support anything that works for her at home. Anyway enough of my ranting lol

Comment on Open Thread: How Are Your Friendships Changing? by Anonnon Fri, 04 Sep 2020 15:30:05 +0000 Man this hard. I was looking for an article about this days ago, and here we are! I feel like my friendships are somewhat dwindling, at least one friend. We’ve been friends since college and used to work in the city, but since quarantine she’s back in her hometown, which means she hanging out with her OG friends and her new bf, and barely talks to us in group chats anymore. We’d go weeks without hearing her sometimes, while my other friends and I would be yacking away. We’d also use to text each other just random shit at work all the time, and that’s now dead. All of us as a group (2-3 people including me) would try to have movie nights and game nights and it was a little cool at first, and ending up being like pulling a tooth and kinda died out. But, she somehow is making time for her other friends on Houseparty and sees her bf 3-4 times a week. I’m rambling lol but I’m trying to make sense of it and I don’t know what it is. I also think about the future of friendships within this state as I’ve been thinking about making new friends, but of course I am socially anxious and scared of meeting people in this time due to the virus. So I’m clueless lol.

Comment on Trust Me, Try It: I’m Recommending Something Called “The Killer”? by Amalie MacGowan Fri, 04 Sep 2020 10:09:41 +0000 In reply to Amelia.

I will second this! To be clear: I don’t use the suppositories often, only when I feel a yeast infection coming on (which these days is usually once every few months). But, yes, historically I have not received the medical attention I’ve needed when it comes to these infections, and have been told consistently that this is just who I am, and to “come in” whenever I need treatment. Ultimately, not a financially sustainable option for me.

Comment on Trust Me, Try It: I’m Recommending Something Called “The Killer”? by Amalie MacGowan Fri, 04 Sep 2020 10:04:31 +0000 In reply to potluck.

Hi there! My yeast infections actually stem from hormonal imbalances, according to my endocrinologist. I am gluten-free, and typically low-dairy and low-sugar.

Comment on Trust Me, Try It: I’m Recommending Something Called “The Killer”? by Amelia Fri, 04 Sep 2020 05:02:36 +0000 In reply to aaaaaav.

you make a good point but clearly she’s not getting the support she needs from her doctor because she says she’s had issues for 8 YEARS. I don’t know about anyone else but i’ve had gynecologists tell me that my symptoms basically “aren’t real” because they’re not listed on a pamphlet or a book somewhere. women’s health is just not taken as seriously- “oh, that’s not listed on a pamphlet Bayer gave me so you must be wrong and i’m the doctor”, etc. so while i think you are sharing a fair point, it is empowering to know that you have something at home that helps and you know works for you, and makes you feel more confident. CLEARLY her doctor is not as concerned as she is with making sure her issue is solved.

Comment on My 4 Favorite Types of Spam, Examined by Lexie Fri, 04 Sep 2020 04:47:51 +0000 This was delightful.

Comment on Open Thread: How Are Your Friendships Changing? by Jay Thu, 03 Sep 2020 22:00:41 +0000 Now… this is so weird. I was never a social media person or anything… but lately?! I made friends over facebook. Dont even know how it happened but there are two people who I met in random facebook groups – and we are now really kind of friends? Funny thing – as if I had met any of them IRL before I guess I would never have even wanted to speak to them. Or they to me. But yep… Covid has created so many limitations… it has somehow eliminated just as many of them. (Also I am way more in touch with my friends from back when I lived in the US, and I love that! Just makes me sad that I couldnt travel there this year, but well…)

Comment on Trust Me, Try It: I’m Recommending Something Called “The Killer”? by aaaaaav Thu, 03 Sep 2020 18:28:39 +0000 Medical professional over here! Chronic use of boric acid can easily damage your vaginal mucus and kill lactobacilli (the good bacteria you want in your vagina). It is also caustic and can lead to vaginal abrasions. While highly effective in treating yeast infections or BV, it is easy to incorrectly self-diagnose a yeast infection. There are many forms of vaginitis and you should see a health care professional so you don’t make things worse! If you kill off all the lactobacilli, your symptoms will only get worse, not better.

Comment on Trust Me, Try It: I’m Recommending Something Called “The Killer”? by potluck Thu, 03 Sep 2020 18:19:37 +0000 You are just treating the symptoms. Candida overgrowth is likely due to factors in your diet upsetting your microbiome, which is a bigger issue.

Comment on Open Thread: How Are Your Friendships Changing? by Emily Thu, 03 Sep 2020 17:10:52 +0000 COVID made me realize just how close I’d gotten with my work friend/closest NY friend – she was the only person besides my bf I saw for months of quarantine, and when I prayed for my family to be healthy, she and her husband were included in that. That was a different level of closeness, realizing that although we sometimes disagree or annoy each other, I care for her so deeply that she’s at the top of my list of people I want to care for and protect. I’ve also made more effort (and so have they) to keep in touch with my closest college friends who live far, reinforcing that we really do feel close to each other even if it’s in a different way from during college. However, I’ve recently gone home to my hometown, and being here has shattered the illusion that my high school/childhood friends and I are still actually friends. There’s only one friend here who I consider an active, adult friendship, so I’m being challenged to rethink what my friendship circles really look like and the idea that I ‘always’ have these friendships here.
